Spring 2003

Essays by Nozomi K.

First Created on June 20, 2003
Last revised on June 20, 2003

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Reasons for Attending College

      I think college or university is very useful and important in our life. And it gives us very precious experiences and memories. I believe it will make us mature. Let me describe my idea more particularly.

      First, the college students can especially study their own interest field in the class. There are many excellent professors. Then students get large of knowledge from the professors. And through studying everything, it is possible to learn about something else, therefore their world will spread. The knowledge will occasionally be very useful in the near future. Probably it is especially in case of our future occupation, communication with people and so on.

      Second, school is not always the place to get an academic education. We can meet many people there. Actually, I have a lot of good friends, seniors, juniors and reliable teachers. We will experience a lot. For example, if you belong to a circle, you can spend good time with your fellows. If you are in your class, you can study with the class enjoyably. Eventually, we grow up together with them through the things they are learning.

      For these reasons, I think the life in college or university is worth spending much time. So, most of the students attend to college or university.

Experience or Books


      Which do you think more essential for people? Do you think which make people more discreet? Truly I cannot choose one. Why? I don't agree the opinion that not everything that is learned is contained in books. But, people have gained anything else through experiences since they were born. So, I think that both experience and book are very important for people. Let me describe my opinion.

      First, there are many kinds of reading in the world. For example, it is ancient books, modern books, novels, textbook and so on. There is a lot of knowledge that we gain from books without notice. I will take the book that is most famous book in the world for instance. The volume is the Bible. It has been written a long time ago, and told to many people. Today, people still believe in that. And the religion has great influence on their daily life. They follow a venerated tradition in their life. Then, novels make us happy, amusing and sad. Biography teaches us a lot of events in history. Dictionary gives us a great discovery. The more we read books, the richer our whole life become. Book is very precious enough to make mature us.

      Second, I have a driving license. I learn that even if we study only knowledge of driving and the traffic rules, we will be able to drive definitely. Not until I actually practiced driving a car could I drive. So, in driving school, we have to have lesson in the manner, rule and information to be driver or have lesson to drive a car equally. Of course, it is important for us to learn about the knowledge. I will give another example of that. I am majoring in English. And now, I see that the best way to learn a foreign language is to go to the country where it is spoken. For example, you learn many English words when you are a candidate. But, if you use these words in real conversation, you will forget the meaning of these words. I think it is very futile. Though we have large knowledge, it is meaningless if we do not use that actually. If you make the knowledge more sophisticated, you have to experience practically.

      For these reasons, I cannot choose experiences between volumes. I think both experiences and books are very important and precious. So I want to learn from many books and experience every thing. There are many things to learn.

Change in Your School


      What point should I change in my school, if I can change one there? There is a point that I want my college to improve. I venture to say it. I will say the following thing. Do you use a library in your town or college? And are you satisfied with its condition? My college also have a library. However, I want to beg of my college to make the library bigger and more comfortable. Why do I say?

      I am a college student. Of course, the library is very useful for us. In general, we use the library when we want to read some books, check something or study. My school has library enough for us to do it. The plant is quite big. We can use the plant without danger., because a safety measure in the plant is very sound. I am content with these points. But, when I go to there, the library is always congested. So, I cannot use it satisfactorily. Even though I want to use a personal computer at once, I have to wait my turn momentarily. Even though I want to take a seat and read a book properly, these seats are not taken. I cannot take an appropriate seat to read a book. Eventually, I always give up and go out of the library. I am in great trouble.

      In addition, there is a thing that I cannot possibly forgive. I looked at these students who are using a personal computer or taking a seat. Then, some students are on the Internet and others are doing their paper with a personal computer, and to make matters worse, some people are playing with computer game. Though I really want to use it for researching a book in the library, I cannot do that. In the desk to read a book or study, some students are talking with their friends, and talking over the cellular phone, and the others are having food or drinking some juice. Besides, a lot of students are sleeping. I cannot admit the above facts absolutely. I looked over the room. And there are few students that are reading a book or study. Though I really want to read a book, I cannot take a seat. So I cannot read tranquilly. If I can use a seat, I will be discontented with my reading time due to their behavior. I think that is just the trouble.

      For these reasons, I request that the library in my school becomes bigger, more placid and more comfortable than the present library. And what is most important for that is mending our manners in the college life. I think that students have to be moderate in their behavior. Of course it is also up to me.

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