English II, 2002
Bulletin Board
Last modified on January 28, 2003
English II HomeA Good Man is Hard to FindThe Assistant
定期試験の形式は以下の2種類です: Type 1: 次の引用箇所を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。
Around the corner, Salzman, leaning against a wall, chanted prayers for the dead.
Type 2: 各々の引用箇所が何という作品の、どのような場面・状況からの引用か説明し、テーマやプロット、登場人物の性格分析などの観点からその引用箇所の意義を述べなさい。 1) Around the corner, Salzman, leaning against a wall, chanted prayers for the dead.
2) It was Eva, staring at him with haunted, beseeching eyes. She raised her arms to him.
English II HomeA Good Man is Hard to FindThe Assistant