Exam Sample Questions

Introduction to English Reading 2005

Last modified on June 27, 2005




Type 1:


"Now look here, Baily," she said, "see here, re____________ this," and she stood with one hand on her thin hi_______ and the ot_________ rattling the ne______________________ at his bald he_________. "Here this fellow that ca________ himself The Mi__________ is al______________ from the Federal Pe________ and headed toward Fl_______________ and you read here wh_______ it says he did (  1  ) these people. Just you read it.
(2) I wouldn't take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it. (3) I couldn't answer to my conscience if I did.

1) 下線部に文字を入れて、表示してある2文字で始まる単語を完成させなさい。

2) (  1  )に入るもっとも適切な前置詞を1つ選び、その記号に○をつけなさい。

     A. for      B. to      C. on      D. in

3) 下線部(  2  )はこの物語の今後の展開を考えると重要です。どのような意味で重要か説明しなさい。

4) 下線部(  3  )を和訳しなさい。


Type 2:


1) The grandmother didn't want to go to Florida. She wanted to visit some of her connections in east Tennessee and she was seizing at every chance to change Baily's mind.

"A Good Man is Hard to Find"の冒頭部分で、おばあさんが息子にフロリダに家族旅行するのをやめさせようとしている箇所。自分が東テネシーの親戚を訪ねたいために、フロリダ行きをやめさせようとする彼女の身勝手な性格がうかがえる。しかし、一家がおばあさんの願いを聞いていれば、ミスフィットに遭遇する悲劇を避けられたわけで、事態を悪い方向に進めていく原因をこのあと作り続けると思われる彼女が、一家を救う可能性があったことを示す点で重要。

Type 3:


1) The grandmother didn't want to go to Florida. She wanted to visit some of her connections in east Tennessee and she was seizing at every chance to change Baily's mind. Baily was the son she lived with, her only boy. He was sitting on the edge of his chair at the table, bent over the orange sports section of the Journal.

