Seminar Paper 2002

Ayumu Shoji

First Created on January 29, 2003
Last revised on January 29, 2003

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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn の女性たち」

    この作品は白人男性中心の物語であるとの批判があるが、はたして作者は性差別主義者なのだろうか。この作品の中から伺える作者の女性観と主人公ハックの女性観について考察することで、この疑問に対する答えを私なりに考えてみた。 まずはじめに、作者の女性観についてである。作者の性差についての考え方が最もよくあらわれているのは、黒人奴隷のジムと共に逃亡中のハックがイリノイ州南部の小さな小屋に住むロフタス婦人に嘘を見破られてしまう11章であると思う。女の子の着物に慣れ、1日かけて女の子の歩き方、仕種をマスターしたハックだったが、ロフタス婦人は、ハックの針に糸を通す仕方、物の投げ方、物をひざで受け止める時の仕方から、簡単にハックが男の子であると見抜いてしまった。

And don't go about women in that old calico. You do a girl tolerable poor, but, you might fool men, maybe. Bless you, child, when you set out to thread a needle, don't hold the thread still and fetch the needle up to it; hold the needle still and poke the thread at it - that's the way a woman most always does; but a man always does 'tother way. And when you throw at a rat or anything hitch yourself up a tip-toe, and fetch your hand up over your head as awkard as you can, and miss your rat about six or seven foot. Throw stiff-armed from the shoulder, like there was a pivot there for it to turn on - like a girl; not from the wrist and elbow, with your arm out to one side, like a boy. And mind you, when a girl tries to catch anything in her lap, she throws her knees apart: she don't clap them together, the way you did when you catched the lump of lead. (p. 68)
    つまり、作られたperformanceによって、男か女かを見抜いているのである。生まれながらの生物学的な性差はあっても、社会的性(=gender)は作られた虚構(=fiction)であり、元来男と女は同じものであるという立場をとっている。ここでハックはgender=fiction、class=fictionだということを教えられ、この後、"Git up and hump yourself, Jim! There ain't a minute to lose. They're after us! "(p. 69)と発言し、ジムを自分と同じ人間ととらえ、同一視するようになる。 また、この作品の中には様々な女性が登場するが、誰も男性に屈する見下された存在として描かれてはいない。むしろ、彼女らはしっかりと自分をもち、魅力的に描かれているように感じる。例えば、先に述べた11章のロフタス婦人は、鋭い洞察力をもっているし、17章に登場するエメリンという少女は、類い稀なる文章力の才能を持っている人物として描かれている。ハックは、"so I tried to sweat out a verse or two myself, but I couldn't seem to make it go, somehow."(p. 115)からわかるように、彼女にこころから同情し、彼女のためにpoemを書いてやろうと努力している。25章から登場するメアリージェーンは、ハックの理想の女性として描かれている。
Pray for me! I reckoned if she knowed me she'd take a job that was more nearer her size. But I bet she done it, just the same - she was just that kind. She had the grit to pray for Judus if she took the notion - there warn't no back-down to her, I judge. You may say what you want to, but in my opinion she had more sand in her than any girl I ever see; in my opinion she was just full of sand. It sound like flattery, but it ain't no flattery. And when it comes to beauty - and goodness too - she lays over them all. I hain't ever seen her since, but I reckon I've thought of her a many and a many a million times, and of her saying she would pray for me; and if I ever I'd a thought it would do any good for me to pray for her, blamed if I wouldn't a done it or bust. (p. 210)


She grabbed me and hugged me tight; and then gripped me by both hands and shook and shook; and the tears come in her eyes, and run down over; and she couldn't seem to hug and shake enough, and kept saying, 'You don't look as much like your mother as I reckoned you would, but law sakes, I don't care for that, I'm so grad see you! Dear, dear, it does seem like I could eat you up! (p. 242)  


He come back about ten, a little bit uneasy; hadn't run across Tom's track. Aunt Sally was a good deal uneasy; but Uncle Silas he said there warn't no occation to be - boys will be boys, he said, and you'll see this one turn up in the morning, all sound and right. So she had to be satisfied. But she said she'd set up for him a while, anyway, and keep a light burning, so he could see it. And then when I went up to bed she come up with me and fetched her candle, and tucked me in, and mothered me so good I felt mean, and like I couldn't look her in the face; and she set down on the bed and talked with me a long time, and said what a splendid boy Sid was, and didn't seem to want to ever stop talking about him; and kept asking me every now and then, if I reckoned he could a got lost, or hurt, or maybe drownded, and might be laying at this minute, somewheres, suffering or dead, and she not by him to help him, and so the tears would drip down, silent, and I would tell her that Sid was all right, and would be home in the morning, sure; and she would squeeze my hand, or maybe kiss me, and tell me to say it again, and keep on saying it, because it done her good, and she was in so much trouble. (p. 309)

    いなくなったトムのことを心から心配し、そのために涙を流し、夜中しばらく起きていようというのだ。おじさんの楽観的な考えに対して、おばさんのこの様子は、行き過ぎのようにも思えるが、母親特有の愛情の深さがよくあらわれていると思う。このように、サリーおばさんもまた、強さと優しさや愛情を兼ね備えた人物だと言える。 次に、主人公ハックの女性観について考えてみる。ハックは先に述べた11章で、gender=fiction、性差は虚構なのだと学びながらも、「女とはこういうものだ」という思い込みがあるように感じる。しかし、見下したり、蔑んだりすることは決してない。例えば、サリーおばさんはハックにとって母親のような存在であった。"Laws knows I wanted to go, bad enough, to see about Tom, and was all intending to go; but after that, I wouldn't a went, not for kingdoms." (p. 309)と、いくつ王国をもらってもおばさんの言い付けを守ろうとしているし、"and I wished I could do something for her, but I couldn't, only to swear that I wouldn't never do nothing to grieve her anymore." (p. 310)と、わが子のように扱ってくれたおばさんのために何かしてあげたいと感じている。また、エメリンには同情し、メアリージェーンには完全に心を奪われていることから考えても、ハックは自分と女性を人間対人間の対等な関係としてとらえているばかりか、女性に弱い節があると感じた。


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