English Composition-5

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Last modified on April 25, 2000

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Syllabus My First Mail

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Weeks #3 (April 25, 2000)

      Have you been able to post your message on Dave's ESL Cafe?  Have you sent e-mail messages to some people listed on the E-Mail Connection at Dave's ESL Cafe?  Have you received e-mail messages from overseas?  If not, keep on trying being "locked up" in a computer room every evening as one of my former students told me.

     Today we will review "nickname" function of Eudora and will learn about "spelling check" function of Word 98.   Then you will learn more about "copy and paste" technique using "Hidemaru", Word 98, and Eudora.  Finally, you will post your message on Dave's ESL Cafe again after checking your spelling and save the message as a "Hidemaru" file.

1) Review: "Nickname" function of Eudora:

  1. Check your new e-mail opening Eudora.   Open "Comp2000 e-mail address" I sent to you.  If you cannot find the mail, send me e-mail now.  (You will not find my mail if you were absent last week.)

  2. Open the nickname window. (tool>address book)   Click on "make new" or "shin-ki".

  3. Fill in "all comp2000" as a new nickname.

  4. "Select" the e-mail addresses in "Comp2000 e-mail address" window.  (You "drag" your mouse from top to button of the addresses.  "Drag" means you keep pushing the left button of the mouse and move it.)  As you drag, the part you dragged will turn darkened or "highlighted."

  5. "Copy" the e-mail addresses by pushing the right button of the mouse:  You just put the cursor on the darkened part, push the right button, and click on "copy" from the shortcut menu (or ctrl+c).

  6. Now "Paste" the e-mail addresses on the address blank of the nickname window.  You just put the cursor on the address blank, right-click the mouse, and select "paste" from the shortcut menu (or ctrl+v).

  7. Close the nickname and save the new nickname "all comp2000".  You can use this nickname when you want to send e-mail to all the students in this class.

2) Learn how to use "Word 98":

  1. Basic operations of "Word 98": How to start, the menu bar menu, icons, how to exit, etc.

  2. "Paste" on "Word 98" your most recent English e-mail messages you have received and sent through Dave's E-Mail Connection:

  1. Open the most recent English e-mail messages you have received and sent through Dave's E-Mail Connection.

  2. First, "select all" (ctrl+a) the most recent message you have sent on Eudora.  "Copy" (ctrl+c) the highlighted part.

  3. Open a new file on "Word 98."   "Paste" (ctrl+v) the highlighted message on it.  (You can "drag" the highlighted Eudora message to Word 98 if you like.)

  4. Second, "select all" (ctrl+a) the most recent message you have received on Eudora.  "Copy" (ctrl+c) the highlighted part.

  5. Click on the bottom line of the Word 98 messages you have pasted in #3.  "Paste" (ctrl+v) the highlighted message at the bottom of previous one.

  1. Save the Word file as "test01" on your floppy disk (drive A:)

  2. How to use the spelling check function of "Word 98":  Choose "Bunsho Kosei" or "spelling check" (the "check mark + ABC" icon) from the "Tool" menu of Word 98.   The red wave underline means "wrong spelling" and the green wave means a possible grammatical mistake.  You can correct the underlined parts by clicking on the right button of the mouse.
    Please note that you must put two spaces after a period (.) , or the end of a sentence, and a space after a comma (,), colon (:), and semicolon (;).

  1. After checking the spelling, save the document as "test01".

3) Learn how to use "Hidemaru" editor:

  1. Basic operations of "Hidemaru": How to start, the menu bar menu, icons, how to exit, etc.

  2. "Paste" on "Hidemaru" all the "test01.doc" on Word 98 and save as "test01.txt" on your floppy disk.

  1. "Select all" (ctrl+a) "test01.doc" on Word 98.  "Copy" (ctrl+c) the highlighted part.

  2. Open a new "Hidemaru" file and "paste" (ctrl+v, or F9) the text of "test01.doc" on it.

  3. Save the "Hidemaru" file as   "test01.txt" on your floppy disk.

  1. Edit the file on "Hidemaru."   You may want to remove the e-mail addresses of your key-pal and yourself.  You may remove the parts you would not like other people to read.  In addition, remove "bugs":  you may find that some symbols like ; , : , " and ' are different on "Hidemaru" and on "Word 98."  If you paste "Word 98" text on "Hidemaru", these symbols remain as "Word 98" symbols.  Replace (delete and re-type) them with the usual "Hidemaru" symbols.

  2. After editting, save the file.

4) Today' assignment:   Using the nickname "all comp2000" you made today, send the content of "test01.txt" to all the members of this class.

  1. Open Eudora and choose "address book" from the "tool" menu.

  2. Select "all comp2000" from the address book and click on the "To:" button.  A new e-mail message window will open.

  3. Confirm that "To:" column is filled with "all comp2000."  Enter "w3-nnnnnnnn" in the "Subject:" column.  The "nnnnnnnnn" here means your student number.  So, if your student number is 98123456, it must look like "Subject: w3-98123456".

  4. Open "test01.txt" by Hidemaru.   "Select all" the content and paste it on the e-mail message window you opened in #3.

  5. Click on the "Send" button of the Eudora window.

  6. Confirm the new arrival of e-mail and see if you have received the e-mail you have just sent.

5) (Optional) How to "spell check" e-mail messages you are going to send:

  1. Open the Word 98 and create a message to your key-pal or a person listed on Dave's E-Mail Connection.

  2. Check the spelling.

  3. Open Hidemaru and paste the spelling-checked message on Hidemaru.

  4. Edit the message on Hidemaru and remove the "bugs."  Save the file giving it a name.

  5. Open Eudora and create a new message window.

  6. Paste the Hidemaru message on the new message window.

  7. Send the message.

6) (Optional) Upload your message on E-Mail Connection after checking the spelling of your message.

  1. Open the Word and write a message for the E-Mail Connection.

  2. Check the spelling.

  3. Open Hidemaru and paste the Word message.

  4. Edit the message on Hidemaru and remove the bugs.

  5. Click here and fill in the blanks of "E-mail Connection" registration page.

  6. Paste the Hidemaru message on the "Enter message here:" box of the registration page.

  7. Press the "sign it!" button just once.

  8. Press the "view list" button and confirm your message.

  9. Type "E-mail Connection 000425" on top of the Hidemaru message.

  10. Save the Hidemaru message as "dave000425.txt".


For the E-Mail Assignment


Project HTMLA Good Man is Hard to FindThe Assistant