English Composition-5

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Last modified on May 9, 2000

Project HTMLA Good Man is Hard to FindThe Assistant

Syllabus My First Mail

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Week #5 (May 9, 2000)

This week you will learn how to make "folders" with Explorer as we did last week.  You will also learn how to layout text in HTML.  Lastly, you will review how to "attach" files with your e-mail using Eudora.  I will "upload" the html files you will send me so that you can see it on the web.  To see it, click the above Project HTML link, or click here.

1) Review Exercise: Let's see if you could create the "bin" folder correctly on the M: drive last week.

clip0508a.jpg (36657 ???)

  1. Open Explorer. ("Start"--"Program"--"Explorer")  Be sure to "customize" the explorer before you start working with it.  [If you do not know how to "customize" the explorer, refer to the item 3) of Week #4.]

  2. Open "Eawase...Homes (M:)" drive.   See if you have created the "bin" folder as below.  If you haven't, refer to the item 3) of Week #4.  Make sure that a file "ht000502.htm" is in the "bin" folder.


2) Now let's learn how to layout text in HTML using the revised "ht000502.htm" file you saved in your floppy disk.

  1. Open "Hidemaru." ("Start"--"Program"--"Tools"--"Hidemaru")

  2. Open "3.5 inch FD (A:)" drive with Explorer and find the revised "ht000502.htm" file you created last week.   "Drag" it to the "Hidemaru" window and "drop" it.   You can read its content now.

  3. "Double click" the revised "ht000502.htm" file in your floppy disk and see how it looks like with "Netscape."

  4. You will see that you need "line breaks" for the e-mail text you pasted on "ht000502.htm" last week.   To add a "line break" to your HTML file, all you have to do is put <br> tag at the end of each line, or a paragraph.  So let's go back to the "Hidemaru" window, and add <br> to your "ht000502.htm" file.   Your file on the "Hidemaru" may look something like this after you have added <br>'s.  Remember that you can place a blank line if you add two <br>'s in row like: <br><br>).

  5. The easiest way to add <br> with "Hidemaru" is use "F8" (copy) and "F9" (paste) keys.   ("F7" is to "cut") 
    1) Type <br> on the blank line or find <br> on the "Hidemaru."  Select the <br> with your mouse and press "F8". 
    2) Place the cursor at the end of the first paragraph (or at the beginning of a "line" where you want to add a "line break") with your mouse. 
    3) Press "F9" and see if <br> is added. 
    4) Place the cursor at the end of the second paragraph with your mouse.
    5) Press "F9" and see if <br> is added. 
    6) Repeat this procedure to the end.
    7) When you finish, save the file.

  1. Go back to the Netscape and click on the "Reload" button.  Now you will see that your e-mail text is laid out with line breaks.  (The example page looks like this on the Netscape.)

3) Now let's review how to paste text from a file to another file. You are going to paste the e-mail text section of the "ht000502.htm" you have just revised (adding <br>'s) on "ht980508.htm."  Do this, following the instructions below.

  1. Open Eudora and make sure if you have received my e-mail titled "my second html".

  2. Find the "ht980508.htm" file in M: drive/Eudora/attach (see the picture below) with Explorer and copy it to your floppy disk.   Also copy it to M: drive/bin.clip0508a.jpg (36657 ???)

  3. Drag the "ht980508.htm" file in your floppy disk to the "Hidemaru" window and see its content.

  4. Go back to the first "Hidemaru" window displaying the content of "ht000502.htm" you have just revised.  Select the e-mail text section (from the line after "Paste it below:<br><br>" to the end of the e-mail text) and press "F8" (copy).

  5. Now back again to the second "Hidemaru" window displaying "ht980508.htm" and find the line "Paste it below:<br><br>" and place the cursor on the line just under it.   Press "F9" (paste) and save the file as "your-last-name.htm".  (i.e. If your last name is shimada, the file name should be "shimada.htm."  The newly created file on the "Hidemaru" should look like this.

  6. Double click  the "your-last-name.htm" file in your floppy disk and see how it looks like with the "Netscape."  (You may need to click on the "Reload" button.)  (The newly created  "your-last-name.htm" on the Netscape should look like this.)  Now, your newly created file is almost read to be uploaded on the web.

4) Today's Assignment:   I would like you to send me the "your-last-name.htm" file you have just created attaching it to your e-mail.  I will "upload" the html files you send me so that you can see it on the web by next week.  To see it, click the  Project HTML link on top of this page, or click here.

  1. Go back to Eudora and select my nickname ("Mr. Shimada") and click on "To:" button. "Subject" of the e-mail will be "w5-your-student-number" like "w5-99123456".

  2. Click on "message" in the menu bar and click on "attach files, or syorui no tenpu".  A small window for selecting a file will open.  For details, click here.  (You will find the way to attach files near the bottom of the Eudora manual page.)

  3. In that window,  find "your last name.htm" file in your floppy disk.  Select it and press OK.

  4. Send the e-mail to me.  It will be uploaded on the web.

5) (Optional) Now let's review how to create new folders.

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  1. Make new folders in your floppy disk as shown in the picture at right using the Explorer.

  2. Copy the "your-last-name.htm" file in your floppy disk to "A:drive/html/others/comp98" folder as shown in the above picture.   (In the picture the file is named as "ht980508.htm".)

  3. We will be using these folders next week.


For the E-Mail Assignment


Project HTMLA Good Man is Hard to FindThe Assistant