English Composition-5

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Last modified on July 4, 2000

Project HTMLA Good Man is Hard to FindThe Assistant

Syllabus My First Mail

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Week #13 (July 4, 2000)

Have you finished Week#12 assignment?  If you have failed to replace the Felix image with other animated images, click here.  I have added a few lines on that page to solve the problem.

Now that most of you seem to have completed the first-semester report, I would like you to browse your own project and the project of the others.   First, be sure to check your own pages and see if they look just as you have expected.  Then, browse the other students' pages and see how your classmates completed their job.  After you finish browsing them, I would like you to read carefully each student's pages whose name is marked with and make a comment on each project just as you did for the mid-term reports.  Though this time not only the favorite five reports but all the completed projects!  Write your comments in the order of the index list.  (You go horizontally from the upper left corner picking up the project  marked with like "Inaba, Keiko", "Kato, Satoko", "Kobayashi, Asayo", "Komiya, Tomoko", etc., etc, )  When you finished writing comments on all the other students' projects, send the message to all the others using the nickname "Comp Class Add"  which you made during Week#8.  The "Subject:" of the e-mail should be "Project 1 Comments".   This assignment is due July 31 and I would like you to read all the messages you have received by September 26, the first day of the second-semester class.

So you have a lot to read and write in English.  Unless you have any questions about what we did during the first semester, start working on "Project 1 Comments" now.  After you have finished, have a good summer vacation!


For the E-Mail Assignment


Project HTMLA Good Man is Hard to FindThe Assistant