English Composition-5

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Last modified on May 30, 2000

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Syllabus My First Mail

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Week #8 (May 30, 2000)

This week you will read the mid-term "e-mail" reports of other people and make comments on them.  We will not learn anything new about computer.  Today's class will be an "English Composition" for a change! 
Do your remember that you created a new nickname named "all comp 2000" with which you can send e-mail to all the members of the class?  (Week #3)  Today, you browse the mid-term reports of other people.  Select five of them and write comments on them.   Lastly, send your comments to all the members of the class using the new nickname, "all comp 2000."

  1. Browse other people's reports and select five reports which you like best.

  2. Read them carefully and write brief comments on each of them using the Word.  (You can check your spelling by using the Word.)

  3. Open Hidemaru and copy what you have written on it.

  4. Check if what you have written looks all right on the Hidemaru.  Remove bugs if there is any.

  5. Save the Hidemaru file as "week8.txt".

  6. Open Eudora and click on the nick name.   Click on "all comp 2000" you made earlier.  A new message window will be ready to write in.

  7. Then copy the content of "week8.txt" on the Hidemaru to the new message.

  8. Today's Assignment:   Fill in "Subject:" box "w8-your student number" and send out the message.  It will be sent to all the members of the class.

  9. Read all the "W8" messages you have received by next week.


For the E-Mail Assignment


Project HTMLA Good Man is Hard to FindThe Assistant